Fabl and communicate4IMPACT:
Two Brands That Pair Well With Story
What is a content experience?
We know that an experience of any kind has the potential of engaging all five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. And when it comes to business content, the more senses that are engaged the better. One of the beauties of business storytelling is that it elevates content into sensory mode.
In fact, storytelling activates “more brain real estate.”
Here’s why:
Facts and figures activate two regions of the brain, but storytelling activates up to eight regions of the brain. Increased activation equals something the marketplace prizes more than ever: consumer focus.
It’s storytelling’s ability to win the battle for focus and attention that makes it so effective and sticky. Great stories stay with us. They create meaning and memory. We tend to act on what we care about. We tend to act on what we remember. The common denominator in all of this is, of course, action, This is why business content needs story. Because it’s practical. It drives decision-making. It works. And what’s even better is that business storytelling is a trainable skill—something our friends at communicate4IMPACT (C4I) can help you with.

But after a powerful business story is created, it needs to be shared. And how the story is shared is just as important as the content. Before delving into the sharing of business content, let’s consider some other types of experiences and think about how they could possibly be shared.

Imagine the following:
You and your spouse are having your new manager and her husband over for dinner (post-COVID of course). You’ve gone all out with high-end appetizers, an entrée grilled to perfection, and perhaps a nice bottle of wine. Would you serve the dinner on a paper plate? Or would your dinner guest have a better overall experience enjoying that meal served on fine china and a beautiful candle-lit table?
Another example
You just inherited a beautiful painting from your Great Aunt. But the frame is crumbling. Do you replace the frame with plastic from the local craft store, or do you invest in the finest gold-leaf your budget will allow?
One more hypothetical
Let’s say you need to buy a rug for your living room. Would you be more likely to buy one online with a photo and brief description or would you be more likely to buy one from an immersive landing page—one showing the rug’s gorgeous texture, weave, and colors in vibrant detail? What if there’s a story behind the rug—where it was made, who made it, and how the materials were sourced? Maybe the rug is being laid out across a hardwood floor in someone’s first apartment, and you actually see the rug billow as it hits the floor. What initially might have just been a rug, now becomes a rug with a sense of place and purpose—beauty and flow.
Chances are the latter experience would be more useful and effective in enticing you to click the “buy” button. Why? Because it all makes sense. The sense of sight, perhaps a sense of sound with ambient music in the background, and all of the emotion that is evoked from those senses being activated.
Just as stories activate the senses by painting pictures with language, immersive content platforms activate a sense of place, movement, and visual context, bringing the story and the experience to life.
Creating that immersive experience that captures users’ interest and imagination is what Fabl is all about.
Scrolling down with greater interest
When you combine the stickiness and staying power of well-done business storytelling with a compelling, immersive experience that moves users along a storyline, users stay on your web pages longer. They scroll down with greater interest. Greater time on page and scroll depth are two actions that help drive conversions.
The next time you’re thinking about what to serve your customer beyond your product or service, consider how what you’re selling might pair with a great storyline and platform to go with it.
To get the business storytelling training that you’ve heard about for several years, but perhaps haven’t invested in, please check out our friends at www.communicate4impact.com. 2021 isn’t far away. Now is the time ramp up and elevate your story.

Immersive Fabl pages increase read times by over 300% on average